Exhibit Rental
Exhibit Rental

Exhibit Rental, Stuck in the 90’s? Mullets, Trapper Keepers, Pagers, and Rentals
Recently, what I thought would be a simple, straight-forward conversation left me scratching my head. I was meeting with exhibit industry colleagues, and the topic turned to rentals. Admittedly, rentals shouldn’t be puzzling. Rentals have exploded at a rate 3 to 4 times faster than exhibit purchases since the recession. It’s a hot topic. What surprised me was the perception and the language used to define the exhibit rental landscape.
You would think the sales numbers would prompt a new approach. Yet, many industry professionals are still using assumptions that are — frankly — antiquated. What do I mean by that? Allow me to share the conversation.
“How often are customers asking you to design and quote a rental exhibit?”
Colleague 1: “Not often. It comes up if there’s a budget challenge, and the client is looking for alternatives. I’ll mention it then, but it’s not the first place I go.”
Colleague 2: “My experience is very different. I would say 30-50% of my conversations are about rentals and there’s a reason. After we talk about what they want to achieve with their exhibit marketing program, I’ll ask them, ‘Are you considering a purchase or a rental?’”
Colleague 2: “6-10 years ago, I wouldn’t have. The rental options were limited, but that’s changed depending on the exhibit house or manufacturer. Now most exhibitors can rent a design-centric inline or island that achieves their objectives at a cost anywhere from 30-50% less than a purchase depending on how many times they reuse the graphics. The exhibitor has to do their homework since some exhibit houses and general contractors will show rentals, but their designs are stale, can’t be customized, and are often dinged up and dirty.”
“How do you talk about costs when it comes to rentals?” Rental Displays
There are many reasons to choose a Trade Show Rental Display. Is this your first show? Do you need an exhibit to supplement your existing trade show schedule?
Select from over 100 lightweight and affordable island, inline, accessory rental designs in many finishes, sizes, and features. Or request a design tailored to your trade show specifications.

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<b>For Additional Information: Please Call: 1-866-652-6126 or <a href=”http://www.youhuge.com/contacts/”>Contact Us</a></b>

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